Tara L. Lemmey is an American entrepreneur, technology expert, and innovation strategist. She is CEO of Net Power & Light, a San Francisco-based technology startup developing immersive experiences for the Internet. She has co-authored more than 10 patents.
In addition to Net Power & Light, Lemmey is chairperson of LENS Ventures, a strategic innovation company that works with leading institutions in creating next markets. She has advised senior executives of nonprofits and Fortune 500 companies, including Intel, American Express, and the Lumina Foundation on innovation, next-generation strategies, new markets, and investments and acquisitions.
Known for her innovation leadership in industry, government, academia, and nonprofit sectors, Lemmey speaks regularly on corporate innovation strategy. In 2009, at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech Conference and at TEDIndia, Lemmey spoke about “risk vs. mission,” asserting that in order to allow for success and innovation, companies must “re-calibrate legal, ops, and management to make sure requirements aren’t getting in the way of the mission.”
As a faculty member of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, Lemmey collaborates each year with Dr. Andrew Weil on the Center’s annual public forum. In May 2011, Lemmey moderated the forum “Food and Health: Public Policy and Personal Choice” with Dr. Robert Lustig and Michael Pollan, held in San Francisco. Lemmey is also an invited delegate to the FORTUNE Most Powerful Women Summit, and was also the founding Department Chair for Policy, Law & Ethics at Singularity University.
Lemmey is a frequent participant at the Aspen Institute and has been a visiting lecturer at Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Columbia, and U.C. Berkeley. Lemmey has been published in Wired, Business Week, and the Harvard Business Review. Her white paper, The Unwired Enterprise, co-authored with the CTO of Intel, served as a precursor to the developing awareness of rapid growth and impacts of the wireless industry in the enterprise.
Lemmey serves as technology co-chair of the Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age. The Task Force provided recommendations to the U.S. government on intelligence and homeland security post 9/11. These recommendations culminated in the Task Force’s proposed System-wide Homeland Analysis and Resource Exchange (SHARE) network, which inspired the formation of the ISE or Information Sharing Environment. The ISE provides analysts, operators, and investigators across a range of communities including law enforcement, defense, and security the necessary information required to enhance national security. Lemmey’s recommendations with the Task Force also helped inform the 9/11 Commission Report.
In 2009, Lemmey was selected to be a member of the U.S. State Department's Technology Delegation to Mexico, which explored ways for U.S. technology companies to support Mexican citizens’ resistance against the country’s drug cartels. In 2010, Lemmey was an invited delegate to the White House Council on Women and Girls’ Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference , which brought together business owners, women leaders, and government experts to address critical challenges and opportunities and the public policy initiatives needed to move the women’s business agenda forward.
Lemmey also served on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Privacy Advisory Committee, which provides external expert advice to the department’s Secretary and the Chief Privacy Officer on matters relating to privacy and civil liberties preservation in relation to national security improvements. Lemmey also served as Commissioner on the Embassy of the Future Task Force as the “Ambassador from Silicon Valley.” ,
Early Years
Earlier in her career, Lemmey was president of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where she worked on global initiatives in the areas of intellectual property, encryption, and privacy. She was also on the founding board of TRUSTe, a leader in online privacy. In the startup realm, Lemmey led the strategy for Ribbit, which was acquired by British Telecom in 2008, and served on the board of Discovery Mining, which was acquired by Interwoven in 2008.
http://www.netpowerandlight.com/ http://lensventures.com/
- TEDIndia: http://conferences.ted.com/TEDIndia/
- FORTUNE Most Powerful Women Summit: http://www.fortuneconferences.com/women07/women_home.html
- Sybase And Intel: The Unwired Enterprise: http://www.sybase.com/content/1028160/Sybase_Intel_Whitepaper_033104.pdf
- Enhancing Security and Civil Liberties: http://www.markle.org/publications/583-enhancing-security-and-civil-liberties
- ISE: http://www.ise.gov/
- The State Department’s Tech.Del: Can People Power Crush Mexico’s Drug Cartels?”: http://techpresident.com/blog-entry/state-departments-techdel-can-people-power-crush-mexicos-drug-cartels
- White House Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/10/01/white-house-women-s-entrepreneurship-conference
- Department of Homeland Security Announces Appointments to Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee”: http://www.dhs.gov/xnews/releases/press_release_0625.shtm
- U.S. State Department: http://blogs.state.gov/index.php/entries/tech.del_youth/
- The Embassy of the Future | Center for Strategic and International Studies: http://csis.org/program/embassy-future